I've not spotted this issue documented, so hoping someone can help out.
My aim:
1. Add input force 'correctly' to my rigidbody (via AddForce)
2. Adjust the rigidbody velocity to stop it going too fast (e.g. by capping the max)
[as an aside, I know for #2, adjusting the rigidbody velocity directly isn't recommended, but I still see it mentioned in Unity Answers and forums and it is even in some Unity demo scripts, I tried to only use it for limiting max velocity]
I didn't even get as far as step #2 though - what I discovered was:
After I use AddForce, then making *any* change to the rigidbody velocity, even just doing a get/set, seems to cancel out any movement made with AddForce.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Have I missed something obvious? I'll paste my code below, you can repro by adding a cube and assigning this script to it. See the line marked #THEPROBLEM for whereabouts the issue occurs.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TestMover : MonoBehaviour {
private Transform cameraTransform;
void Start ()
cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
public float charMoveInputForceXZ = 25f;
void moveCharacter (Vector3 inputVector)
rigidbody.AddForce(inputVector * charMoveInputForceXZ * Time.deltaTime , ForceMode.VelocityChange);
// The below should have no effect, yet...
// * If commented out, the rigidbody can be moved
// * If compiled in, the rigidbody cannot be moved
// * If compiled in and placed prior to the AddForce line, the rigidbody can be moved
Vector3 v;
v = rigidbody.velocity;
rigidbody.velocity = v;
void FixedUpdate ()
Vector3 cameraForward;
Vector3 moveInput = Vector3.zero;
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
if (cameraTransform != null)
// calculate camera relative direction to move:
cameraForward = Vector3.Scale (cameraTransform.forward, new Vector3(1,0,1)).normalized;
moveInput = v * cameraForward + h * cameraTransform.right;
if (moveInput.magnitude > 1)