My airplane turns but does't roll! Why?
Hello guys, I am practicing with somewath that in my mind should be a flying airplane. I created a rigid body and a transform from the mesh of anairplane and I add to it forces in order to have the...
View ArticleHow do I add force on an object(with a rigidbody) that I've randomly...
I know I need to use rigidbody.AddForce, But I'm having trouble finding how. This is what I have, but when I start the game, it spawns the object randomly but doesn't add and force to it. Any help...
View Articleaddforce jump sometimes long,sometimes short
I use below code to make a box(with a rigidbody) jump : rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * FORCE_UP, ForceMode.Impulse); but some times it jump 1000px,some times only jump 100px, what's wrong?
View Articleslow addforce
in my scene I have a ball that is thrown, so I added a addforce want you to slow down when it touches the ground its strength to a stop. I tried with rigidbody.sleep () but I do not like it stops...
View ArticleNeed help with a "roll" script (C#)
I'm trying to make a simple 3rd person RPG and want the character to be able to do a roll to dodge. Right now it just makes it impossible to walk in the opposite direction after hitting Shift-W. My...
View ArticleChange rigidbody's jumping speed
Hello, i make a 2d gave and the player is a rigidbody. I use "rigidbody.AddForce(0,300,0)" to make him jump, but I want him to stay less time on air. Like he makes a small vurve from ground to air. In...
View ArticleStopping a Rigidbody movement so it can reset?
Hey, so I'm building a physics-y game where you can shoot lots of tiny cubes from a player cube. When you fire it creates a tiny cube, adds force to it in one direction and adds force to the player...
View ArticleReal gun range and rigidbody.addforce power?
Hello! I want to make my FPS game as accuratly as possible. How can I make the rigidbody.addforce so that it would be like a real gun? Like how what should I make the addforce integer to be in order to...
View ArticleUse Addforce to reach a destination at a certain time?
I'm wanting to set a distance and use Addforce to have the game object speed up or slow down in order to reach that point at the end of 5 secs.
View ArticleSphere vs Capsule collider collision resolution
When moving a sphere collider rigidbody around with AddForce(), it seems to respond to other colliders accurately. It can hit solid objects and push up against them flush with continued force. Using...
View ArticleJump higher when held button
Hi guys, In games like Mario, if you hold the jump button, you jump higher, allowing for a better platforming experience. I tried accomplishing this, but couldnt figure out how. I use AddForce, and...
View ArticleCalculate forces required to rotate around an arbitrary point regardless of...
I have an object (a cube) with a center of mass offset from the transforms center. If I apply forces in front and behind the cube to induce a spin on the object it will rotate around the center of mass...
View ArticleAdd Relative Force doesn't really working for me
I've used a collision method for when I push a ball on a cube, I want to cube to be pushed in the opposite direction of the ball, so I've used this script on the ball: (I tagged the cube as Sphere,...
View Articlerigidbody with fast gravity goes inside walls
Hello, i have rigidbody player and control the gravity by Addforce, but when the gravity is so high it goes inside the wall. i've tried making the gravity lower and it works. but it's so slow gravity...
View Articleadd force in camera direction
I'm using this script to make a crate to be pushed strongly in the direction of my FPS camera: void Update () { if(Input.GetButtonDown("fus")){ crate.rigidbody.AddForce(cameraRelativeRight * power);...
View ArticleHelp with addforce
Arrow instantiates but doesn't have any force added so it just drops straight down. var shooter : Transform; var arrow : Rigidbody; function Start () { shooter = GameObject.Find("shooter").transform; }...
View ArticleObject did not collide with other object
Hi Every one, I am working on POOL TABLE game. I am applying force to the cueBall to when we hit with stick. And it's working fine cueBall hit's the other ball and move as per physics. But when we add...
View ArticleRigidbody Enemy and Collisions
Ok, I'm making a platformer game. My enemies have rigidbodys attached to them. I'm directly controlling their velocity by accessing the rigidbody.velocity component. The problem is, when I have them...
View ArticleGravitational pull without losing speed
Hi! I'm making an object A that has a gravitational pull on another object B that's at a constant speed. The pull works perfectly in the angle I want, however I'm using AddForce to accomplish the pull...
View ArticleAdding Force To RigidBody Problem
I am using a basic script which, as far as I know, should work very easily. It's the basic add force to rigidbody line via raycast, but instead of adding the force and making the ball go forward, it...
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